Anxiety & Depression
"He who fears he shall suffer, already suffers what he fears"
--Michel de Montaigne
Anxiety affects one out of three Americans—and therapy can help. It’s normal to feel anxious every once in a while. But when anxiety goes beyond a normal reaction to everyday stress and disrupts your life, it may be more than normal anxiety. Anxiety can affect work, relationships, recreational activities, and future plans and goals. It can make you feel fearful and stuck. Sometimes it can be so intense that it leads to panic attacks, obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors, or phobias.
Symptoms include excessive worry, restlessness, difficulty concentrating or making decisions, irritability, feelings of worthlessness, difficulty sleeping, avoiding people or places to avert feelings of anxiety or panic and physical responses such as tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, and a racing heart
Psychotherapy is an effective treatment for anxiety disorders. A combination of proven techniques, tailored to each individual, can provide long-term relief. Exercise, mindfulness, sleep, eating and somatic and cognitive therapies have been found to be very beneficial.
More than 15 million Americans suffer from depression. Depression is not just a mild case of the blues. Everybody feels a little sad sometimes. But when those feelings won't go away and you lose interest in things that you normally enjoy, it could be depression. It can make you feel tired, hopeless, sad and unable to concentrate. It can be moderate to debilitating. It can make you feel worthless and ashamed. It is often exhausting and can make you feel physically ill. Depression is a medical illness. And it can be treated.
Feeling sad or crying a lot
Losing interest in daily activities
Gaining or losing weight
Difficulty sleeping-or sleeping too much
Getting angry quickly
Feeling fatigued most of the time
Feeling worthless
Having recurring thoughts of death or suicide
Depression involves your body, thoughts, feelings, and behavior. There are many proven, effective ways to alleviate depression. Therapy, diet, exercise, and medication are among the many successful approaches. As an experienced therapist, I can explain your options. You and I will work together to develop a treatment plan that works best for you. You are not alone.