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circle labyrinth laid out in driftwood sticks  on the seashore sand beach of Baja Californ


Addiction, trauma, depression and anxiety can lead to additional supports needs, please utilize the list below to support you and your loved ones

Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

Call or Text 988 or chat

Sacramento.  (916) 368-3111

Auburn  (530) 885-2300

Roseville   (916) 773-3111

Lincoln   (916) 645-8866

24-Hour Maternal Support   (916) 681-2907

Domestic Violence

National Domestic Violence Hotline   (800) 799-7233 or Chat

WEAVE   (916) 920-2952

Stand Up Placer   (800) 575-5352  or Chat

Empower Yolo   (916) 371-1907 or (530) 662-1133


Sacramento LGBT Community Center   (916) 442-0185

Gender Health Center   (916) 455-2391

LGBT National Help Center   (888) 843-4564

Children & Adult Services

Child Abuse & Neglect Hotline  (916) 875-5437

Adult Elder Abuse & Neglect Hotline   (916) 874-9377

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